Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pink in My Wedding

Today is my wedding anniversary.

Six years ago I married my sweetie, the father of my Dear Bebe.

Will you take a walk down memory lane with me?

( There's plenty of pink to be found!)

The photographer snapped a photo of me getting ready

Here is a close up of the beads on my gown...

The chariot, ready to take us to the reception!

A kiss for Dad before the ceremony.

(Note the pink roses!)

Dad walking me down the aisle. He was nervous, I was beaming!

My Brother-in-law with my sweet little neice inside the church. She's 7 1/2 now!

(My Uncle, Aunt, Sister and Dad in the background)

Note her little pink shoes!

This is one of my favorite shots... me, my Sister, and sweet Neice.

What a CUTIE!

A few hors d’ oeuvres in the courtyard before the reception.

It was a beautiful day!

Believe it or not, this was held on the ground of the antique mall

where we have our booth.

It is a beautiful country setting!

Tha gal who did my centerpieces was wonderful.

Loved the centerpiece she came up with!

She runs her own floral shop called Queen Bee Florals.

(She was a huge Mary Engelbreit fan)

Mom and I rockin' it out at the reception!

Not to be out done, my Nephew did his groove thing, too!

He's 11 now!

Have some cake before you go!

The only thing I regret was forgetting to pick up the silver cake stand the day before from an antique dealer friend of mine.

Being the antiquer that I am... how did I miss that????

Awwww.... so romantic!

Kiss kiss!

Hope you enjoyed my look back on a very special day.

Here's to another year!

For more ways than you ever imagined to showcase a color

check out Beverly's blog at

How Sweet the Sound.


Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...
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Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Everything looked all weddings should. You made a very lovely bride. And, indeed, you seemed to be beaming.

Happy Anniversary!

Be sure to visit my cottage, where I'm having a terrific giveaway. You can click on the button in my sidebar for details.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post and congrats.
Thank You HPS!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jillian, I have little tears of happiness streaming down my face this minute!! You were a GORGEOUS bride....I loved all of your touches of pink!!! Of course, I totally enjoyed that photo of you and Miss Daisy!!! How terrific that the reception was held in the courtyard of the antique mall!!! They day and the venue looked perfect!

Happy Pink Sat. and Happy Anniversary!!! L, Dana

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Jillian ~
Your wedding was absolutely beautiful ~ Happy Anniversary !

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Happy Anniversary!!

What a grand wedding it looks like you had!!

And you looked gorgeous!!



Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Aww, what a beautiful bride! Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! We just celebrated ours last week. Love your flowers and the centerpiece is stunning! Lovely cake and beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday to you.


Charo said...

Happy Anniversary! So sweet memories, pretty wedding.


Connie said...

LOL, even your hair has a pink quality to it, sugar, but I'm too young to see kissin', ya know! ;-)

Kdottie Designs said...

Happy Anniversary! Your wedding looks beautiful - I love that part of it was outside. Happy Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

What a glorious day you had and all your family memories are wonderful. You are a beautiful bride and I love the pic of you and Dad, it is timeless. Dads are always nervous to walk down the aisle and give away their beautiful, precious daughters. Happy Anniversary and may you have many more. xoxoxoxo Meg

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Hello, and Happy Pink Saturday! Happy Anniversary, what a lovely bride you were. Love the pink roses you had for your wedding :) What a beautiful day you had for your wedding. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of your special day with us :)

Warmest, Brenda

Ms.Daisy said...

I remember it well...what a lovely day it was! Great pictures and memories. I'm glad you posted them on your anniversary, too!

Ms.Daisy Mau said...

Congratulations Jillian! Your wedding day looked picture perfect pink! Rachaelxo

Victorian1885 said...

Happy Anniversary to you & your sweetie! What a lovely Bride you were..such a romantic wedding filled with lots of pink and roses! Happy Pink Saturday!


MJ said...

Happy anniversary! What lovely photos & memories!

I was late arrival to the love of pink (& purple) but now I'm a convert!!

Lisa said...

Oh Happy Anniversary!! I remember last year, your wedding was truly lovely! You are a Pink girl! Here's to many more!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Kelee said...

Happy Anniversary Jillian!

You looked beautiful and what a cute car!

The cake was gorgeous too....

So happy you are happy!

Happy Pink Saturday!

love, kelee @

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Happy Anniversary.. love all the wedding photos! looks like it was beautiful wedding! Happy PS

Catharina Maria said...

That are beautiful wedding photo's !
Love from the Netherlands ♥RINI♥

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Anniversary, Jillian.

Your wedding day looks perfect, and I hope your anniversary is, too.

Regina said...

Wonderful post Jillian.
Lovely wedding! Happy Anniversaryand many more to come.
Happy Pink!