I almost gave them up for sale or for goodwill. This is one of those cases where I'm glad I didn't.
Nightstand and side table pulled from the master bedroom. (Replacements coming soon!)
We used Behr's "Warm Muffin" for the wall color. At first I hated it! I was in "what was I thinking" mode. Then we added in the curtains, furniture and bed cover and I breathed a sigh of relief. The big piece of furniture in the foreground is one of hubby's favorite purchases... an old victrola. I was against leaving it in but we actually need someone who can help him carry it down before we can bring it to our antique booth, so it stays. It adds an extra antiquey element I wasn't expecting.
The matching antique dresser and headboard are from 1941, purchased at an auctioin, and were from my house, B.H. (Before Hubs.) We pulled the head and foot board out of the attic and pulled the dresser from the master bedroom. The vanity brush set was my Grandmother's and always welcomes our guests. It is a must stay item!
Unfortunately I was a bad blogger and did not take any before pictures of the guest room! Bad, bad! Let's just say the room had no theme except shabby country meets "hey lets throw this stuff in here for storage.'

This is definitely an improvement!
Now, with this behind us we can now focus on my Dear Step-daughter's wedding. Can't wait 'til I can take photos, she is making her own centerpieces and I know they are going to be fabulous!
Have a BELLA day!