Friday, May 7, 2010

Mom Knew I Loved Pink

I'm not sure exactly when the passion for pink started. We can pinpoint it to around the year I asked for a pink princess telephone. I think I was a junior in high school. One of my dancer friend's had one and I LOVED it.

I still have my phone which I have dropped and broken too many times. I've also purchased other broken pink princess phones for parts. This could become a problem.

The other influence that may have led to my passion for all things pink was ballet class. It is difficult to not see pink or wear pink when dancing. See exhibit A above.

When I was young I loved pink carnations. I have since grown up and so have my tastes. Pink ROSES will bring a smile to my face now!

I can often be seen wearing pink.

(note: I was camping in this photo ...
did not get to do hair or makeup that day!)
My Mom knew I loved pink. She tolerated my pink phase in school. Pink shoes, pants, purse, phone, bookbags, pencils, you name it.

And in honor of Mother's Day, I'd like to say THANKS. She loved me anyway! After all, I guess it could have been worse. I could have loved GREEN.

For more bloggers who have a PASSION for pink, visit Beverly .... she hosts PINK SATURDAY every week! And if you have a minute... hop on over to Olivia's Romantic Cottage. She has vintage and pink things on her blog. What's not to love?


Olivia said...

Hello my sweet friend! Your pink post made me smile! I had a pink radio when I was little and I adored it! My little girl is a pretty pink ballerina and it is oh so sweet! Is that my blog I see mentioned??? My heavens my heart is fluttering with delight! Thank you my sweet friend for mentioning me in your darling post!
Squishy Hugs!
ps you look very pretty in pink! I wore my favorite pink tank today! Love it!

MJ said...

Pink? Completely normal! Very girly girly!

In contrast, I have to tolerate horse-loving K. She wears horse paraphernalia most days of the week. Very hard to locate too. But she loves it.

I wonder what little Bebe will favour?

Cottage Rose said...

I remember those phones,, I was not able to have one,,, but oh I did love them.... My daughter took ballet when she was young,, she still has her toe shoes.... and I wish I looked that gorgeous with out make up or having my hair done,,,,you look so pretty in Pink..... Happy Pink Saturday..

Pink Hugs;

Regina said...

Happy Mother's Day and
a Wonderful Pink Saturday to you Jillian.
Lovely post and you are gorgeous.

Charo said...

So beautiful post!!!

Happy Mother's Day to you!!


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a terrifically PINK post today! Loved it!!

Lisa said...

Pink is wonderful! As a mother you do have to go with the flow! I have a friend who wanted NO PINK for their baby girl. SOO she now OWNS pink! The new baby sister on the way can have NO PINK. And apparently she doesn't like other people to have pink either! ;) She is 3! You can never pick what they will like!
Happy Pink Saturday! Have wonderful and sunny Mother's Day!
Hugs, Lisa

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Mother's Day, Jillian.

Your mother must have been a very wise lady to nurture your passions.

I loved pink princess phones, too.

Ms.Daisy said...

AWWW! I loved this post about your passion for all things pink! I still, to this day, see you in your pink outfits which you loved!

Ms.Daisy Mau

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jillian, you look AMAZING while camping with no make-up or hairdo fixing!! I NEVER, even in my PRIME, looked that danged cute!

I love your love for PINK.....from the PINK phone to the PINK pointe shoes to the PINK roses!! You're my kind of gal, but I think you knew that already!!

I hope you had a wonderful Pink Saturday!! L, Dana