So what I'm contemplating is: Does it matter if I purchase a new website design which will alter everything? I've had this logo and Italian architecture design for more than two years. The main benefit of changing looks would be to allow people who use the browser, Firefox to view my website. The last graphic designer did not include this code for some reason and no one who uses Firefox can see my site normally. Some have suggested I have lost business because of it. Ewww. Not good. So either way I guess I need to head down this road. Any helpful suggestions? Anyone else go through something similar? Who do you recommend? I have a few selections in mind I have found but I'm waiting until I'm positive. Excited yes, but carefully trodding, that's me!

I am positive I found some great stuff at our local antique fleamarket this morning. I'm almost done taking pics and editing them. Look for fresh stuff to appear in the JUST LISTED category soon!
Hi Jillian, I use Firefox - what is it I'm not seeing when I look at your site. I didn't think anything was missing.
As to redesign - go for it! I don't think it will change things for the worse, but will enhance your presence.
I use Firefox too so I'm not sure what I'm missing either.
one thing I do notice that is a bit strange, is that when I get on your website I see a lot of blank space at first and I have to scroll WAY down to start seeing any items. It always tricks me and makes me think that maybe there is nothing loaded on the page. I could see how someone could see that and think your shop was empty and leave without looking any further, so if there's a way to fix that I think you need to do it for sure.
Hi Jillian-I'm with the other girls. I use Firefox and not sure what I'm missing.
Change is always good, as hard as it is to sometimes do. It keeps things fresh, though!
I'm so not technical, but I bet Tete could help you.
hi ladies! Thanks so much for helping me out. The problem is what Heidi mentioned...that there is the HUGE blank space on BellaRosaAntiques(dot)com and you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to see what is listed.
My blog site is fine so far, thank goodness...but I really need to get the website fixed. I had no idea how many people use FIREFOX. Wow! That is helping me a bunch to know this. Maybe I sould have done a survey a long time ago!
I like the three column thing you have going on! Very nice. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
P.S. Thanks for your comments on my Microfiction Monday!
I periodically use Firefox and/or Safari and haven't noticed any difference on either provider when I visit your blog!
Hi Jillian...thanks so much for commenting on the paint colors and your lovely comments on the inn. Maybe someday you can come and visit!
Going away for a couple of days to Newport...Yay!!!
Talk soon,
I use Chrome and have no problem with your website and Chrome is more recent than FireFox (I think!) I have noticed though that your shop pages have the problem Heidi mentioned and that you acknowledged. I hardly ever change anything on my blog -- can't bother with the aggravation but yes I have once or twice been fooled thinking there was nothing on your shop pages. You have been finding wonderful things (as always).
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