Yesterday I went to the doctor. I've been having abdominal pain and I decided last Friday at the height of the disturbing ache, it was time to go.
After waiting an hour and twenty minutes to see my doctor, whom I really like, I was intrigued by what he said.
It could be my gallbladder. I was expecting to hear this and felt kind of relieved.
We need to run some tests, he said. For a couple of reasons. Gallbladder disease is common in women starting around the age of 40 and pregnancy can bring on gall stones.
The other is to see if my gallbladder is in fact, dead.
"Dead gallbladder?" I asked.
"Yes" he replied. "Dead. We don't want it to rot inside of you."

Ooooooooooookay. Now this was not good news. And NOT what I expceted.
I had never heard of this before. The gall of that gallbladder.

After all, what kind of flowers would I send?