We spent another week up
at the lake house
A lot more work and less
vacation but I fit in
some antiquing and
makeover time.
Remember the crazy rummage
sale I wrote about in July?
Here is the phone table I found there.
I spray painted it an ivory
while I was working
on other pieces
for the house.
Then I went to my favorite
thrift shop, "Twigs & Treasures"
and found this lovely ol gal!
Another phone table
but this time with a harp
in the seat back.
I was imagining
the possiblities
with how I would
recover the seat.
Definitely a nice piece.
But needs some TLC!

Then as luck would have it
we happened upon a nice
couple in an antique shop
that had some things
they wanted to get rid of!
We purchased some items
but they were so sweet and
heard about our lake house
and donated four of these
old chairs!
We've just been meeting some
of the nicest people.
Here are some updates to the place.
You can see the before shots
A wide shot from the stairs...
And I still need to find
something for under this sign.
We have plans to expand the
kitchen into the dining area
by adding a breakfast
bar... but for now
I need a table here.
On the hunt as usual!
Here is a scene from the
master bedroom.
The lamp shades are brand
new, found at Walmart.
They looked great
with the vintage crystal
And well, all work and no
play makes Jillian well...
kind of cranky
so we made sure to get out
and have some fun!
And a little birthday
celebration included
some red velvet
By the lake...
the perfect way to end the day!
Coming up...
a bridal shower, new finds,
and our end to summer!
What are you doing for the last few days?
You have a boat? You've been busy -as usual. You're amazing - truly. Love the kitchen table area.
Jillian! Absolutely stunning, I love it! Can I please come stay.... Rachael xo
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