There is a spring in my step but it is not because I see signs of a thaw or leaves budding on the trees. This past weekend I had some alone, "Mommy Free" time and spent it looking for new inventory for the shop.

I tend to buy similar things each time like jewelry, books or porcelain items with roses on them. Besides the snack set, I did run into a stack of vintage rose fabric which I am excited about. I'm trying to change it up a bit and offer something "new" for a change.

There was a really nice dealer there who specializes in postcards and he saw me standing, hunched over his trays and trays of postcards... he came over and offered me a chair which I was so thankful for. Then he must have gotten curious about WHY I was still sorting through them all and asked me what I was looking for. I told him I really wanted to find postcards from Paris. Well this gave him incentive to help me knowing he could make a few sales if he could find them quickly for me... and he did! So, now I have what I wanted for my store and he sold some of his inventory. I love a win win like that. And so did my aching back!
Seriously though looking for antiques is fun for me. I'm so blessed to be able to do what I love while I get to stay home and take care of my Dear Bebe.
I'll be showing what I picked up on my fun day of antique hunting later on in the week. Stay tuned!
I can definately vouch for the inspiration that comes with mommy free time! Good for you for getting out and having some fun!
Best Wishes,
So glad you got out and about over the weekend. I'll have to tell you about my flea market debacle on Saturday. Better days ahead...62 days until Spring! Yea!
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