Last weekend I cleaned out my closet. It was time to change out my wardrobe from summer to winter. I reached up to a shelf where I keep my handbags....and lo and behold...
I pulled down this container.... of PINK TENNIS BALLS! Whaaaaaaaaaaa!
How fun for me to discover I had purchased these a long time ago on a whim. . . and now can show them on Pink Saturday. What a giggle I had out of it!

So then it was only appropriate for me to buy these pink swoosh Nike sneakers the next day.
Really...I went with my Dear Hubby to look for new shoes and we were in the Nike store. He was wondering why I wasn't looking for pink sneakers. I told him they didn't have a pretty pink in the women's section.... just the girls. As I'm showing him this I realize maybe they come in my size! And you know what .... I discovered a girls youth Nike can be dropped a size and a half to the right fit!
And about a size and a half lower in price, too!
So, these came home with me.
Happy pinks today, my pinky friends.
Now go hop on over to
Beverly's blog, for more fabulous pinks!