Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vintage Finds of the Week #20: A Wonderful Time for Selling!


I've been finding a ton of "new" vintage...
mostly packed in attic boxes!
I stashed away lots of Christmas
 goodies and I'm pulling them all out,
which is great fun!
Plus a few other treasures, too.
There are a couple of things I picked
up this week while hunting with
Joyce from The Quilted Nest.
We really enjoy rummaging
but this wonderful Mid-Century
Nativity  set called my name so I
really didn't have to rummage too
much for it. There are 17 pieces!

Found this in my jewelry stash.
And when I mean stash, I mean,
waiting to be photographed!
I think it is a dark amber intaglio.
Interesting "cameo" of a Roman soldier.

The Hubs bought this rhinestone heart
 over the weekend. Would look
 gorgeous on a coat lapel. Why wait
'til Valentine's Day? 

And speaking of coats, I couldn't wait to pull this
mink coat out this Fall. It feels so nice on!
Hard to sell it, but I think I'm gonna try!

I researched this silver plate ladle and discovered
 the pattern is called "OXFORD" from 1901
by WM Rogers and Sons.
If it doesn't sell right away I have
plans for it.

 Here is a story you will get a kick out of...

I had to turn this photo upside down. Yes, I was
in a fog earlier this week and thought these pretty
butterfly beaded ornaments were Angels! I was
trying to have them stand on the two "legs" which
turned out to be antennae!
That is almost embarrassing.

Chalking it up to baby brain.
(Shhh... don't tell anyone, Bebe is 7 now!)

These little guys are perfectly
shabby just the way they are!
Just add the candles (or not)
and they are good to go.

I was excited to pull these bells out
to photograph... even though the box has
seen better days and some of the bells
are M.I.A.
Still neat to see how they were originally
presented to the buyer in the 1950's.

Is this kitschy tablecloth cute or what?
I love it.
Sometimes I wish my English
Tudor décor was a bit more cottagey.
This makes a great kids table
covering... it is too small
for my dining room set and was
made for the typical
"4 member family"
of the 1950's.

I fell in love with Diorama ornaments a couple of years ago when I found my first one at the "Secret Shop Around the Corner" from my house.
(By the way, it just closed. Bummer.
Brick and  mortar shops have
a hard time, don't they?)
I have to confess, I stopped  going.
Their prices were just too high
and when I asked if they could do
any better I received a "NO."
Such is this vintage life! We all have a
difficult time buying at the right
price and selling at the right price.
I digress!

 On the other hand, I have so many books to list I decided if I can grab a book a day I might get through the boxes in a couple of years. Seriously though, I have a lot.
I enjoyed reading some of Ogden Nash's poetry, above.
One in particular about the seaside.
Will try to use it for one of my summer posts.
(If I can remember. Think upside down beaded
angel ornaments)
How about a little King Arthur,
Launcelot, or Guinevere? 
If  I'm going to buy old books,
I might as well find the classics, eh?

I"ve had this cute velvet bow pin
 for two years. I actually missed getting it
listed last year... but made
sure I had it up this time around.
I can picture this on a 1950's
sweater or on a pair of ice skates!
With mini pin ornament pom poms! So cute.

Did someone say pom poms???
This tablecloth brings me right back
to my childhood in the 70's.
Litsed this in my
AntiqueRetroactive shop on Etsy.
This sweet couple made it there, too.
I just love their "Dickens" appeal.
Slightly shabby, too.
Hope you enjoyed my ramblings
today ... and well, my finds, too.
My two Etsy shops are
getting stocked:
Enjoy the weekend!
Linking with:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Let's Talk Vintage #55: Tools of a Vintage Seller's Trade

Welcome to Let's Talk Vintage!

This week I am taking a closer
look at the tools of the trade for
online sellers. I know my
fellow dealers will know exactly
what I am sharing already!

Before I start, I just want to
mention the four of the most important
items you need to choose before you start:
* How you will get your store online:
Computer, tablet, or Smart phone?

* How will you take your photos:
Smart phone or digital camera?

* How will you edit your photos?
Editing software or online website?

* Where will you sell your items?
A site like Etsy or maybe your own website?

Back in the early days of
online selling... I used to take
photos using FILM and have
 them developed! Oh yes!
Then, a friend scanned
them for me and resized them.
I had to pay to have the photos
uploaded to the internet.
Crazy! Not to mention I was
borrowing my roommates
computer and paying half of
the monthly internet fee.

Fortunately, things have progressed
technically! Now it is MUCH easier!

So, if you're thinking about selling online,
these are some of the basic tools
you will need to make things go smoothly.
Magnifying glass, sharpies, hole punch,
mini screw drivers, pliers, and a measuring tape.
Also, a ring sizer.
I use the sharpies for blacking out
words or symbols on (used) shipping
boxes that I don't want to interfere with the
buyer's destination... and the red sharpie
for writing "FRAGILE" on the
outside when shipping breakables.
In my humble opinion, the boxes
have to used. If I had
to buy them, I'd be out of business.
Screw drivers and pliers are for
anything from a vintage toy
with a battery compartment
to broken jewelry clasps.
The pencil is for erasing marks
that were made inside old books
or for removing old dealer prices.
I use the hole punch for keeping
my copy of the invoices in a notebook.
And speaking of invoices, you will
need a printer and plain old copy paper.
This measuring tape is what I have draped
 around my neck all day long. It
is like my doctor's "stethoscope."

I give measurements for practically
everything I sell. It is one of the top
questions people have when buying online.
"What size is it?"
 I like to place vintage books, ephemera or clothing
 in plastic bags... you just never know
 what the weather is going to be
like where your send your items.
A calculator for when I have
online sales and need to take discounts.
And don't forget weighing packages!
This is the postal scale I use.
We bought it years ago on
Craigslist. This thing has been 
a tough little bugger.
"It takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin!"
(Who remembers what commercial that was for?) 
And of course, now that I've said this,
it will conk out on me!
I can't tell you how many times I use
Windex a week. Clean items are a must!
Jewelry looks better when
placed on a stand... I have
several in white and black.
China plates or smaller framed
prints look great on a plate
holder or easel. Sometimes
I use them when taking
pictures... but also when
selling at an antique show
or flea market.
When a package needs to
be wrapped up ... my
shipping tape holder
is my best friend!
You'll also need things like 
tissue paper, bubble wrap,
shop labels, business cards etc. 

This handy dandy loop is perfect for
finding hallmarks on jewelry.
I will need it soon, as 
the crazy jewelry sale I wrote
about here and here, is coming up.

Also for jewelry:
A scale.
If I need to describe the weight in
grams, I use this.
For taking pictures of long jewelry,
clothing or accessories, a dress form
is a huge help.
I'm looking forward to using my
Etsy reader more...
I haven't done too many shows
but this will be great for accepting
credit cards.
When the hubs and I had a booth
we needed things like Liquid Gold
for cleaning furniture, paint for
updating furniture, fabric for seats, etc.

I've also recently started checking
plastic items to see if they are bakelite
by using Simichrome polish.
Hope you enjoyed a peek into
the tools I use for my trade.
It has been eye opening, even
for me, I didn't realize how
many things I use!
If you are really interested and
just starting out, here is a
list of what I mentioned here
today so you can copy and paste it:
1. Computer
2. Camera or smart phone
3. Printer and paper
4. Magnifying Glass
5. Measuring Tape
6. Postal scale
7. Jewelry Scale
8. Ring Sizer
9. Shipping Tape
10. Shipping Tape Dispenser
11. Used Shipping Boxes
12. Bubble wrap
13. Newsprint Paper
14. Tissue Paper
15. Pencil with Eraser
16. Plate Easel
17. Simichrome Polish
18. Windex or other cleaner
19. Black and Red Sharpies
20. Hole punch and Notebook 
21. Mini Tool Set
22. Dress Form
23. Jeweler's Loop
24. Plastic Bags (various sizes)
25. Business Cards or Advertising Postcards
26. Calculator
27. Jewelry Stand
28. Paint or stain for updating furniture
29. Photo editing software or website
30. Credit card reader

Now you know Rome wasn't built in a day. I didn't start
out with all of these things. They are what I have acquired over the years. Hope you can use any or all of the tips I gave. I still meet people who say they want to sell online but are not sure where to start. May this be a boost to someone... happy selling!

Here are this week's features:

Pat, of French Country Style from the
Foot of the Rockies, took us along with her
to the antique capital of Colorado...
and to quote Pat:
"Its like Disneyland for people like us!"
Yes, indeed!

Brenda over at Unique Junktique has a ghostly mirror to share with us for the spookiest week of the year... getting goosebumps yet?

Rita of Panopoly shared these
 awesome flapper girl treasures
 with us. Read about the special
 bond she has with her sisters.

and Look at this! How creative...
Tuula of Thrifty Rebel Vintage
shows us how to make a
pumpkin out of teacups!

You all never cease to amaze me.
Remember, if you were featured,
be sure to grab this button to
place on your blog.
Now it's your turn:
Let's Talk Vintage!

This is where you can share your vintage projects, latest finds, or even items you sell...let's talk vintage!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Linking with:

Thursday, October 22, 2015

A New Linky Party, A Feature and New Christmas & Jewelry Listings!

Just wanted to give y'all a
shout out  today about a new link
 party called Vintage Charm.
It starts on Thursday mornings
at 8 am EST.
Now it just so happens I
was featured today, not once,
but twice! How cool is that?
So, I'm not saying it was uh,
bribery, because it wasn't!!!
Seriously though,
 the link party happens over four different
 blogs. If you're reading my blog
then you probably love vintage.
So, hop on over and check it out!
The four hostesses will be thrilled.
Three of them take part in my Tuesday
 morning Let's Talk Vintage! link party:
and I'm hoping
Kathleen of Charm Bracelet Diva will
join in too!
I have been busy listing some
of the things (above) in my shops:
Things I will be listing today:
Enjoy the day!