Friday, December 26, 2008
Have a Bella New Year!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Vintage Scotty Dogs, Chic n Shabby Roses, Faux Sweets Just Listed!

Thank you, this has SOLD!
Absolutely adorable, this Scotty dog pin cushion...it's perfecty chic n shabby already!
The tiara I'm waiting to list with a pretty vintage and PINK prom dress! You're going to love it! Stay tuned for that...but in the meantime....keep scrolling down....
Another faux sweet treat on a pretty pink roses Harker Pottery dish...very vintage and oh so chic n shabby!

A French "Sevres" roses plate...I love the detail along the gilded border... ooh la la
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Vintage Scottie Dogs, Tiara, Porcelain Roses & More!
We're well into the Christmas shopping season now and the sale is still going...all holiday items are 20 percent off. This week I'm excited about a few new pieces I have acquired. While they may not be holiday items (just the two boxes of mini shiny brite ornaments) I think they are oh so "Bella Rosa!"
And what gal doesn't want to feel like queen for a day? The tiara is stunning. To make it even better I have a pink vintage prom dress to sell along with it! I will be taking a photo and listing it soon.
And there's another faux sweet treat with a pretty chic n shabby rose plate. In fact, I have come across several chic n shabby rose items for you to check out. They'll all be listed very soon on this page of our website. Stay tuned!
And as always...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Vintage Christmas Ornaments, Garlands, Silver and More Just Listed!
Here are a few of the items I've listed for the Christmas season. They are all 20 % off too!

This bottle brush wreath is a wonderful silver tone....in a vintage style. Great for the Shabby Chic decor!

These are so cute...petite little boxes of vintage Shiny Brite ornaments...the glass balls are soooo cute and perfect for that smaller tree...or to arrange in a vintage bowl.
Another bottle brush wreath...this one is a little smaller and a fav of mine because it is PINK!
I couldn't resist filling this silver tray with sea shells. You could do a lot with the vintage style silver garland too...looks great on a tree or spread around the mantle.
Having fun here during my "me" time...and I hope you get a minute to check out the rest of the holiday items on sale at Bella Rosa Antiques.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thank You to My Customers This Thanksgiving

As I'm getting ready to have this latest package shipped to it's destination I'm also thinking about the items I am going to list for the Christmas season...adding them to what is already on...and on sale! I'm excited to announce I have new sparkly word garlands for your holiday display in gold as well as silver.
I've also come across some great vintage ornaments ... I love these and can't get enough of them.
Here is an example from my own display at home:
They're great for decorating the tree as well as in all kinds of vignettes around the house. In a container by the entryway, on an end table, you name it.
So, have fun, get your decorations out and if there is anything else you need to complete your collection, you might just find it here this year!
And thank you to all who have supported me this.
As always,

Thursday, November 20, 2008
All Holiday Items on SALE! Save 20%

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Visit to the Booth ~ Bringing Vintage Christmas Ornaments
This is our case. I do have a few items here and there for the holidays but there are more ornaments, garlands, and figurines to display. Some can be found on the Bella Rosa Antiques website.
The three gnomes atop this display cabinet could mix in well with a Santa elf or toy theme ...I thought they stood out nicely from the milk glass in the back. I think the bowl on the right is a hobnail punch bowl. Neat idea for Christmas with greens and red decor!
This is a peek inside the display cabinet. Lots of options here...if I clear out most of the dishware. Do I do a Shabby Chic type of Christmas in there or go traditional? I'm thinking like Rachel Ashwell and I have a feeling this would make a great look.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Vintage Christmas Ornaments Featured on Bella Rosa Antiques

Thank you, this has sold!
One of my favorites...who doesn't love a snowflake pin to wear on a wool coat all winter?
And a fancy vintage style key for Santa on a shiny red ribbon...

Lots of fun!
A collectible porcelain Santa ornament from Goebel, the same company that makes Hummels in Germany...we also have an angel ornament. Check us out on Bella Rosa Antiques!
If the shipping charges calculate high, we usually return the balance right back to you. Our shipping calculator is just for an estimate. So shop away! Ho ho ho!
And as always...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Vintage Christmas Antiques & Collectibles

Who doesn't remember pulling out boxes of Shiny Brites to hang on their trees? Or the star toppers...maybe your family had an angel. One of my favorite things to set up was the nativity.

What I didn't like was having to string up the lights. My Sister and I were the Christmas decorators. My Mother handed the job over to us and we planned a day to do it (we had an artificial tree) and made the event special by putting on our favorite Christmas album. Then I would try and convince my Sister that she had to do the lights because she was , well, she was older and could do a better job. Sometimes it worked.
Every year I would forget what ornaments we had until we unwrapped each one and I would exclaim with glee..."oh I love this one! And this one, too!"

What are your favorite Christmas decorations? If you're looking to add something "new" to your collection, check out this page on our website, Bella Rosa Antiques.
And as always,

Friday, October 24, 2008
Auctioning For Vintage Treasures
There is something about an auction that gets my heart pounding...the anticipation of what I may be able to bring home for either my own personal collection, or to resell to you. I hurry in as fast as I can so I can get a good look at what is on the tables before I "miss" something wonderful as it passes through the auctioneer's podium.
As usual there are many things that catch my eye. If it is an item I REALLY want, I will bid as high as I can to obtain it. One of my favorite auctions to go to in Central Pennsylvania is HORST Auction. Generally I find very nice items here, but sometimes pricey because we are bidding along with dealers who have stands in Adamstown, PA, the "antique capital" of this area.
Unfortunately that means we have to pass the price along to the customer. This is what makes antiques unique and fun however, if there is a high demand for the item, the higher the price. Otherwise, I pass the savings on to the customer. I'm not out to make tons of money, I just enjoy buying and selling. Mostly, dealers have to play it right so they don't lose money.
And if I think an item would fit perfectly into the Bella Rosa Antiques theme, I will wave my number high and keep bidding until I get it. As they say in the biz "going once, going twice, SOLD!" And there is goes...tucked away, neatly wrapped in my carrier and out the door waiting to find just the right person who will give it a good home.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Antiques & Collectibles
What do I buy? Well, I love so many different items for my collections....jewelry, vintage or retro kitchen items (especially when found in PINK,) vintage beaded evening bags always catch my eye, pretty porcelain pitchers with floral or rose transfers just to name a few. I have a growing collection of vintage books from the late 1800's so when I can find one in good condition for 5.00 or less, I add it to my purchases. This makes it challenging and fun to set a low price and hope to find one in my travels. I have found most of them in New England, either on the way to visit my Father in Maine, or on the way back in New Hampshire, Vermont, etc.
Recently I have started collecting crystal pieces. I'm not sure what it is but I like the heavy glass in the pretty cut patterns and the way they sparkle in a china cabinet.
What do you like to collect? Leave me a comment or two about your collections or love of all things vintage!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Another LuRay Find ~ Pickle Dish & Tab Soup Bowls
Unfortunately I already have all of these pieces.

(Sharon Pink Gravy Underplate or Pickle Dish)
It is tough to find something I don't have because I've been collecting for 16 years. I thanked him profusely and then we both decided since I already had these we might as well offer them to some other LuRay collectors.
(2 Persian Cream Tab Soups)