Friday, July 31, 2015

Thinking Pink #5: LuRay Pastels, Go-Alongs, and Victoriana

This week I am sharing some of
my pink finds... but this week
 there are a lot of pastels in the mix.
As in LuRay Pastels by
Taylor, Smith, and Taylor.

This popular dinnerware ran
 from the late 1930's
 to the Early 1950's.
I have a large set on display
 in my kitchen cabinets and have
 looked and looked for LuRay
 to sell, with minimal success.
But last weekend on a very
rare occasion, I found some!
The house where we found
 the LuRay was probably built in
the 1930's... and the kitchen
was original!
The old sink, the ironing board
 built into a cabinet in the wall.
It was neat. And I imagine this
must have been the woman's 
set of dishes back in the day. 
Most of the pieces were chipped
and had to be left behind.
As a collector it is
But fifteen minutes later
at another sale, I found
this set of 4 wine
goblets in pastels!
Perfect as "go alongs"
as we collectors like to say.
I also found vintage party supplies.
Also in pastels. What fun!
This hat looks an awful lot
like a cake, doesn't it???

 Then at another sale I found these Victorian calling cards.
I am always fascinated by them. Not much different than
today's business cards, but yet very different at the same time. These were social. I guess they were
pre-Facebook days!
A reminder of a great afternoon
chatting and having tea.
This pretty footed, rose 
decorated teacup was
found just this morning!
So was this pretty
Victorian berry set.
I have two of the large
bowls and 12 of the
smaller berry bowls.
Hope you enjoyed my pink
and pastel finds...I'll be
listing everything for
sale except possibly the
wine goblets!

Enjoy the day!
Linking with:
Pink Saturday

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Vintage Finds of the Week #15: Fun Furniture Finds, About Schmidt, and The Peacock Hat

This week seems to be zipping by really fast.
And so is summer.
Maybe it's because I am having so much
fun with vintage finds!
I almost missed this plant stand or table.
Love the curved lines!
Bebe and I were in a local strip mall
making an appointment when
I spotted a small sign on one 
of the shop windows:

And lo and behold was this man
selling his parents estate out
of an office or shop space!
He figured it was cheaper
than paying for storage and
a place to sell his stuff... so
voila... a garage sale shop!
It was a first for me!
Right before I walked out
with my other finds I noticed
the stand.

He sold it to me for 10.00!
I love it and am looking for
a place to put it in my house.
And these two Hummels we're
from his parents estate, too.
Did you see the movie,
About Schmidt?
I always think of that movie
whenever I see Hummels.
Tee Hee!
Anyway, I may do an upcoming
"Let's Talk Vintage" post
about them... I learned
their history when I was a
writer for QVC. It was
very interesting, as the
  back story always is!

My Hubby found this antique child's folding table.
So cute. No chairs to go along with it, however.
I'm guessing it is from the 1930's.

This is a very unique nativity set...
My Mother collects small nativities so
this will probably go to her...
it is small enough to fit in a stocking!
I found this rose book at an estate
sale. Inside are some color images
of roses. Figured I couldn't go
wrong there... you know Bella Rosa!
I had to do some digging to discover the
black vintage photo album. Sometimes it
pays to dig around. My hubby and I
balance each other out... he is a scanner
and I am a digger. I like to rummage. 
The glass door knob was a good find. Even with its
chippy white paint still in place! The milk glass
butter is of a nice heavy quality, I will have
to do some more research because I'm not sure
if it is Westmoreland or not.
And what's July without a little bit of Christmas.
Speaking of, I think this is the first summer I have
not had my Christmas in July sale. I haven't been
having luck with sales so I'm doing
them less and less.
Anyway, this ceramic tree is going to go
into my Retro Etsy shop. I think
there is a sale there, waiting 
to happen this Fall!
My favorite find from the weekend
(same estate sale as the rose book) 
was this gorgeous black and
iridescent green feather hat.
Peacock most likely? I've
never seen one like it before.
It is so silky and smooth.
Thanks so much for taking the
time to check out my latest
finds. If you see anything of
interest, just let me know
before I list them in my
online shop or Etsy shops which
I will start filling again once
Bebe goes back to school.
Enjoy the day!

PS. I'll be sharing some of
the PINK THINGS I found
on Friday for "Thinking Pink."

Linking to:
What's It Wednesday

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Let's Talk Vintage #42: Ocean City's Vintage Architecture, Beauty By the Sea

Welcome to Let's Talk Vintage!
This is where bloggers, sellers, and lovers of vintage link up to share their vintage inspired projects, wares, collections or vintage inspiration posts.

Today I'm sharing more about our family weekend getaway, where we stayed at a bed and breakfast in Ocean City,
along the Jersey Shore.

This is the main room of the B and B
we stayed in, called Ocean City Mansion.
It had so much charm!

After having our breakfast out on the porch here,
we took a walk. It was then I really had a chance to notice the other beautiful old homes that made up this neighborhood.

In many beach resorts you'll see large hotels
or newer condos but this beachy town
 in particular, has neighborhoods
where time stands still.

I love the Victorian styles...
The turrets, the long ornate staircases.

The soft pastels...
The groomed yards
and flower accents.
Here is another B&B
and I just happened to snap the
photo while this kitty was stretching,
jumping down to greet me,
hoping to get a scratch behind
the ears.
I was happy to oblige!
This special island,
along the Jersey Shore,
is my favorite place to
spend time by the ocean.
It's got a little piece of
  vintage everywhere you go.
For more vintage inspiration,
here are this weeks' features.
There were so many I loved
I added two more than usual!
I'd love to feature them all, if I could! 
This is a great classic find by Sharon over 
at Blue Willow House. Who doesn't love
 a red plaid vintage lunch box? You should
 see how many different vignettes she
creates with it.
and Cecilia over at My Thrift Store Addiction,
reorganized her pantry is so cute
and charming... I was so
impressed by her transformation!
and Adina at Simply Country Life,
showed us how to use vintage
Jello molds to make farmhouse
candle holders!
Gina over at Victorian Wannabe, shared
her latest finds and made this amazing
 looking cake. How did she  
know I love chocolate?

 And Brooke over at Creative Country Mom,
 redecorated her kitchen. This wall
has my attention with all of
its vintage goodness! Great job!
Now it's your turn:
Let's Talk Vintage!
There is no limit on
how many links you 
 can add and no other rules
besides keeping it vintage.
I love to see all of
your posts... have fun!

This is where you can share your vintage projects, latest finds, or even items you sell...let's talk vintage!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


Remember, if your blog was featured,
feel free to grab this button to
place in your side bar!

And here is an update on little
Cissette. She came home from the

doll hospital... just as good
as new! She is now headed
to her new home already.

Read more about our visit
 to a local doll hospital, here.

Thanks for your time, stopping
to read my blog.

Enjoy the day!

Linking with:
Coastal Charm
My Salvaged Treasures
What's it Wednesday
Pink Saturday

Friday, July 24, 2015

Thinking Pink #4: Madame Alexander Doll, Austrian Rose Vase, Mother Goose and More

Today I'm sharing some of my latest finds;
they all have one thing in common:
The color Pink!
(It is indeed, my favorite color so why not dedicate a weekly post to it?)
This is a beautiful Victorian era
vase with a lovely rose transfer.
Marked Austria.  

This demitasse cup and
saucer is just so sweet...
Fun to collect and mix and match,
to create a vintage Chocolate Pot
set of your own.

And these are also fun!
It just so happens we have two
weddings coming up in the family.
I think they need to go in the
 box as part of their gifts, don't you?

This iridescent teacup and saucer
 has hints of pink but the periwinkle
blue is also stunning! This
 style can be sought by
tea cup collectors because
 of the footed style.
I love Mother Goose, old fairy tales,
and poetry books. This one has
a beautiful lithograph cover.
Love the soft pinks!
And in my last post I mentioned the sale
where we found three Madame Alexander
dolls. This one is part of the "Little Women"
series. She still has her "Watt and Shand" price tag.
This was a beloved, local, department store
that closed and was turned into
 a Marriott convention center several
years ago.
I am guessing the dolls are
 from the late 70's /early 80's.
They were kept in the boxes
so they look beautiful
and brand new.

I just love these elongated dishes...
probably used for serving celery or pastries.
Made in Bavaria.
Thanks for reading along today...
and patiently perusing my positively pink picks!
Enjoy the day!

Linking with:
 Pink Saturday
My Salvaged Treasures

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Vintage Finds of the Week #14: On a Cottage Chic Streak

Right before we headed out on a family weekend
 getaway, the Hubs took us over to an estate sale.
I mean, literally, we were all packed and ready,
in the van... and our first stop was this sale.
I'm so glad we did though!
I love all of these vintage medicine
bottles... especially the Vaseline tube.

But what is camphor ice????
Show me a ballet print and I am sold.

And coming right out of the doll hospital post, here, I
couldn't resist some Madame Alexander dolls!
We bought three...Two little women,
and this sweet Alice in Wonderland.

And apparently I can't resist
 vintage Christmas either.
Of any kind!
Isn't the scotty dog candy box adorable?
While I'm not into reading Dick Tracy,
I think the graphic makes a cool
 And I know a blogger
out there with a vintage
 yellow and green kitchen
that this clock would look
perfect in!

These last two pieces were grabbed to hold the vintage treasures so we could bring them up to the checkout.
I was keeping Bebe busy so I forgot to tell
my Hubby they were just for carrying so...


now they are part of my finds of the week!
There are more but I am saving them for
my "Thinking Pink" post on Friday...because
they are indeed, in the pink!
Stay tuned and thanks so much for stopping
by to see my cottage chic finds. Be sure to leave a comment, I love to hear from you!
Linking with: