Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Back Next Tueday: Let's Talk Vintage! (Happy Thanksgiving!)

Due to the upcoming holiday, my link party "Let's Talk Vintage" will resume next week!

Be sure to link up next Tuesday at 9 AM.... I have a couple of posts swirling around in my head already!

Have a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Shades of Aqua for Pink Saturday

While helping a customer determine the color of these vintage ornaments, I set up a mini display with like hues.

After I did this... I discovered how much I liked the ornaments and wanted to keep them!

But, I didn't. I'm putting them on hold for her. After she saw the color in a better light, she really liked them too!

And that is all I have for this Friday's post for "Pink Saturday!"

Working through our internet troubles but I am happy to be able to type out this post and add a photo!

Have a great weekend... think vintage for Christmas this year.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Let's Talk Vintage #7 - New Finds: What My Husband Found!

I was in the middle of doing some Christmas shopping when my cell phone rang. I fumbled around in my purse to find it.

It was my husband. He was in between jobs and had found a little antique shop to kill some time in.
Do you want this? He asked while sending me pictures via text messages. I just wasn't in the mood to shop in two different places. I said no to all of the items he had sent pictures of and was very surprised to see him carrying a box into the house when he got home.

You should see what he brought home! He has a really good eye for the type of things I sell.

Just look at this vintage hand painted bible motto plaque... it is one of the largest I have ever seen at 14 inches long! And it is pink... with handpainted roses. (It just sold to someone in my area.)

Then he found some unique and very beautiful Christmas ornaments, foil wreaths with bells, and a Christmas tablecloth.

Next time he calls and I feel like I am too busy? I'm going to pay closer attention!

Now it is your turn.... to talk vintage!

Feel free to link up your vintage inspired projects, your collections, even items you sell:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Let's Talk Vintage #6: The Jewelry Sale

Welcome to Let's Talk Vintage! This is my sixth week and I'm thrilled to see what you've found, created, or have to share with us.

This week I'm sharing my second experience attending a local library's jewelry sale. I guess book sales are just not enough, they need to sell jewelry too!

You may remember my post about it last year.... where I kind of gave a play by play on the "mad dash" and how I used my own strategy to find some vintage oldies but goodies.

This year was pretty much the same, with two dealers in particular that must get up at the crack of dawn and start waiting in line because they were the first ones waiting in line again. (I was 8th!) I decided to head in a different direction than they (they go for the gold) because this year the library started offering purses and scarves, accessories too. That's how I found this adorable and beautiful bridal box purse:

The picture does not do it justice! I love it
and wish I could keep it for myself.
(Hmmmm...Plotting events I can go to
just so I can carry it around. Tee hee!)
And another pretty find was the golden
Estee Lauder compact below:
Then after I checked out and paid for my finds,
 I picked Bebe up from school and
we both went back together!
That's when I saw this red crystal beauty
... still at the sale, not purchased by
anyone yet. It was made in Western
Germany. I couldn't believe it was
still there! I can just see it now in
a Christmas wedding or vintage prom.
Here are some of the other pieces
I thought were too irresistible to
leave behind:
One of my most surprising finds
was the little fur cuff links seen
in the right hand side of the photo above.
Too cute!
What did you find this week?

It's your turn ... Let's Talk Vintage!

(Also linking to Vintage Inspiration Party
at My Salvaged Treasures)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Park Scenes: Playing Photographer

Everyone is a photographer these days.

Before the emergence of the digital camera we mostly relied on professional photographers to take our pictures.  Remember the days of Olan Mills, Glamour Shots, or JcPenney's?

While some of these studios are still in business today, it can be fun to head over to the park and take your own photos.

And that's exactly what we did with another family. They took our pictures and we took theirs. Sounds simple enough, right?

Heading over to the park for beautiful fall, scenic shots. What could go wrong with that?

Here are some Do's and some Don'ts. Well, mostly DONT'S*:

1.  Do not take the camera without charging the battery first.

2.  Do not take a photo with the sun behind you... unless you have the perfect time of day where the sun is not too high in the sky. IT WILL CAUSE A GREYING, SHADOW EFFECT ON YOUR FACE, don't do it.

3. Do not take children along who are a) Tired b) Hungry c) See a and b.

4.  Do not take so many photos so that your camera card is almost full and can't fit any new shots.

And finally:
5. DO NOT attempt to take pictures in wind speeds of 20 mph or more! Just don't' do it! Hair will never stay in place! And it makes cranky children cry all the more!

Okay, so now that we have some of these issues ironed out... you should feel confident enough to get out there and just have a great time!

*Disclaimer: Some of these Do's and Don'ts may or may not have happened to us while taking photos in the park. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Mix and A Mingle: Let's Talk Vintage #5

It is time for Let's Talk Vintage!
(And yes, I used the cheesy cliché with a clock
picture to get things started today!)

This is where you get to join up with other vintage lovers and:

1. Show your latest vintage finds
2. Tell us about your favorite collection
3. Share an antique that you need more help in identifying
4. Link up your vintage shop
5. Share a project you are working on that involves vintage

Simply use the linky tool below and link up...if you have a blog I would appreciate the back link to this blog post. Thanks so much!

There is no limit on how many you want to link...

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