Blogs of crafty, artistic women.
I'm not saying I'm not crafty or artistic....I may be. But my blog is mostly my focus on finding unique and beautiful antiques. Where do I fit in .... in this sea of crafters?

This old bible is simply amazing! I believe the cover is made of celluloid. The artwork on the front is just beautiful.
vintage petit point pocket mirror and the lovely case
I remember sewing the ribbons on myself in high school, excited with the anticipation of breaking in a new pair of toe shoes.
Nothing could make me feel more graceful or more beautiful than when I was dancing "en Pointe."
Worn and tattered, I've had an artist create a painting of them and I also used them as props for a photo of Dear Bebe when she was 8 months old.
Very special shoes, indeed.
We're going to be visiting more parks ... there's so many more beautiful days to come!
But I also pray for her future. Our recent change in law about our healthcare system has me concerned, of course. . . on so many levels. While I don't like to blog much about politics, this affects everything I care so much about.
Time will tell.
That's the thing about time. It moves forward whether we're ready or not. Things change, people grow, and we have to figure out a way to go with the punches.
Life was so much easier as a kid on a playground!
For more fun check out Mary's blog, Vintage Comfort. She's created such a fun and colorful blog. Since I'm a vintage nut, what's not to like?
She's also a participant in PINK Saturday over on Beverly's blog, How Sweet the Sound.
Happy Spring! We're off to share a picnic as a family today out in the sunshine...
So today I went out a picked up a couple of plain T's in white and pink.
Bought ten sheets of printable iron on transfer paper.
And realized when I got home my printer is out of color ink.
Don't you hate it when that happens?
Hopefully I'll get to the office supply store soon. We'll see how they turn out. If I like the way they look I'll give one away during a Pink Saturday post!
We've been having such gorgeous spring-like weather... I've been taking Dear Bebe to parks and strolls round the neighborhood. She just loves it.
I'll be back soon though to show you my T-Riffic (hopefully) results!
(Have some stew for me, honey!)
Now here's what I've been working on for Bella Rosa this week. A few more items not pictured still to upload but I've run into some back pain after taking Dear Bebe to a playtime event.... so here is what I have so far:
A little rosey chic dish for your romantic shabby style decor.
Picnic season is coming up. How fun would these French Limonade bottles be with chilled water or hey, lemonade!
Antique Egyptian prints. They also come with two Asian scenes.
Another "I wanted to keep it for myself" item. I am resisting the urge to keep everything!
Three pairs of dainty vintage earrings. They look so cute against the old sheet music.
I plan on updating my Facebook page and hopefully add some more items this evening.
May the luck o' the Irish be with me and my back feels better!
Happy St. Patrick's Day !
I know it must be because I am getting the urge to straighten up and clean out. It started last week with me going through closets and pulling out clothes I haven't worn in awhile. Like, before I was pregnant with Dear Bebe. My Dear Step-Daughter happened to be here for this sudden closet purge and was thrilled with her new wardrobe. She and her college roommate will be able to make good use of them. Now there's room for replacements! Shhhh....don't tell Dear Hubs. Ha!
Then our antique booth received an overhaul. Well, not a complete overhaul but a good sweeping and rearranging. It feels so good to do this after a long cold winter.
Then last night we watched the show HOARDERS on TLC. Wow. Couldn't believe the stuff people save and pile up. I mean REALLY pile up. Makes me want to clean out every room in the house! While we are not hoarders is still tough with an antique biz. You just can't help but have things waiting to be sold or to go to the booth. Organizing is key!
What do you like to do when Spring arrives?