First Hair Cut ~ Snip Snip Snap!
Dear Bebe was such an angel for her first hair cut! Mommy was so happy and surprised! (She is afraid of things that sound like hair dryers.)Just a couple of snips and of course a snap of the camera shutter and it was all over.My little bebe is getting SO big!
How sweet.. love these moments..
Your post made me reflect back to when K had her first haircut. I found it very emotional; she ceased to look like a baby & became a toddler with a little snip.
Oh how sweet! It is such a fun time. My sister cuts everyone's hair, she had done mine and swooped up her smallest and snipped her bangs and threw it in the hair bag! I said OH first hair cut and mommy threw away your hair! My sister was shocked she did it. BUT her girl has a head full of hair so we'll get another curl soon!
Hugs, Lisa
So cute! Love her sweet curls. :-)
I gave so many first haircuts during my career as a hair designer and each one was special.
I shutter to think how many photo albums my hands are in. LOL
OH how sweet,,,,,,, did you keep her hair,,,, reminds me of when my Son had his first hair cut, by my Daddy's Barber.... sigh,,,, they grow up so fast... such a wonderful photo for Sweet Bebe to look at when she is older....
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