Some are easier to find than others.
I have come across more vintage French items than I thought I would! Some of my favorites have been a silk apron marked souvenir of France from the World War II era, a late 1800's French Dictionary from the Frick Museum in NYC (I joke with my Mother that Degas or Renoir probably used it and here I sold it!), a French souvenir stationery holder, and a souvenir bracelet from Paris.
The dress forms I've run into but I'd have to sell them at outrageous prices because they are so expensive to purchase. Plus, shipping from the East Coast is incredibly high. You just never know though when you'll see a great deal so I'm not giving up.
After coming across one pink heart candy box I received a few requests to find more. I thought it would be no problem but most of them are red. Still looking...
If there's something you'd like us to look for, feel free to leave a comment, I LOVE to read them!

I just love hearing what people collect too! I do try and keep a look out for items that people want but its not easy. You cant just go to a warehouse and order it can you?! Still the treasure hunting is the best part, its a great job to have!
Hi Jullian: What a great job to go antique shopping for others. You are a lucky woman. I read your post on the vintage glass. It does make me sad that we are giving away everything. Wishing you a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha
Yes, for me it is the hunt for the perfect item! I remember when I had my antiques booth and when an item I had found sold. . .quite a good feeling! Happy hunting!
Jullian,it is the hunt,then the price, and the best sharing the find! I just got my Dress Form this weekend at the RedShed sale in grapevine. I thought my husband would kill me, but Momma said tell him how much shipping would have been! Now if I could find a 1950's pink prom dress,or seafoam. I can't find them anywhere. I know they must be hiding is somebodies closet!
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