Friday, September 27, 2013

Fallin' for Apple Pickin' and A Sneak Peek at New Arrivals

We're off to a great start
this fall:
Picking Apples
Decorating for Fall
Making new friends
We are truly blessed. 
Taking photos today
of new arrivals

Should have them
ready by the middle
of next week.

Stay tuned!

Here is a sneak peek:

You'll notice there is one
pink feather fan that stands out
of the crowd of blue!

Linking with Pink Saturday
at How Sweet the Sound

and Cottage Garden Party
at Fishtail Cottage.

Enjoy your weekend!


Jeanne said...

Lovely new arrivals to share with us today.
Happy Fall.
xo, Jeanne

LV said...

Trust you do well with your new arrivals.

The Old Parsonage said...

It's so time for apples - looks like fun! I'm doing applesauce Sunday this weekend!

Love the sneak peeks!


Cranberry Morning said...

Apples sound so much more exciting than carrots, don't they. My apples are done and it's canning carrots for me next week. :-) Have a wonderful weekend!