In my previous life, before Bebe, I had what seemed like lots of time to spare.
I had hobbies.
One of them was genealogy. Something about the researching, recording, and archiving all of the photos and information gave me that "history detective" feeling. It was all fascinating to me.
As much as I'd like to spend more time working on my family history... it has kind of been put on hold. Plus, there was the great Christmas day computer crash and I have not attempted to see how many files I lost.
I still have some photos saved (luckily we had backed up some things) and here is one my Father and I are proud of.
It is my paternal Great Grandfather standing in front of the fire pumper in Brooklyn, NY. He was one of the brave souls who fought fires in a crowded city... using the old kind of firetruck, probably to him it was the latest and greatest.
These bits of history remind me how much we take for granted. I'm going to challenge myself to take some time to work on preserving the family heritage in the next coming weeks.
It's a gift Dear Bebe will appreciate someday!