It was a great Father's Day, a whirlwind weekend, and Monday came upon me like the Road Runner! (Couldn't think of anything else fast.)
This morning my Dear Hubby watched Dear Bebe for me so I could get the latest items uploaded to the website for you. Summer is officially here and I am excited!
Hope you're having a great start to your week.
Now, it's off to work on organizing the office (a never ending task!). . .
And as always,
Hey Sweet Lady ~ I AM having a BELLA DAY*! I'm thinking your hubby is a sweetie*! (SMILE) _Ashley*
Love to hear that hubby is so accomodating :)
My beautiful Calling Cards arrived yesterday and again I am more than delighted. Did you see my little post about the first ones?
Thankyou for everything!
I'll keep my eye out for more in the future!
Irene x
Hi Jillian..your blog is so pretty! I am now a follower...Have a wonderful day!
xo Tami
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