Running your own website is a lot of fun. As much work as it is to find the right antiques, bring them home, clean them up, take pictures of them, list them on the site, wrap them up and ship them off to customers.... it is equally rewarding.
One of my favorite things (among many) is finding out what my customers collect or are interested in buying.
Maybe you will find their requests interesting, too:
French Items
Pink Heart Candy Boxes
Calling Cards
Pink Kitchen Stuff
Nursery Jars/Wicker Tray
Old shakers (for glitter/crafts)
Vintage Needlepoints
Teacup Stand Antique cups/mugs with sweet sentiments written on them
Vintage Rose Cotton Throw
Dress Form
Aqua Jars
Some are easier to find than others.
I have come across more vintage French items than I thought I would! Some of my favorites have been a silk apron marked souvenir of France from the World War II era, a late 1800's French Dictionary from the Frick Museum in NYC (I joke with my Mother that Degas or Renoir probably used it and here I sold it!), a French souvenir stationery holder, and a souvenir bracelet from Paris.
The dress forms I've run into but I'd have to sell them at outrageous prices because they are so expensive to purchase. Plus, shipping from the East Coast is incredibly high. You just never know though when you'll see a great deal so I'm not giving up.
After coming across one pink heart candy box I received a few requests to find more. I thought it would be no problem but most of them are red. Still looking...
If there's something you'd like us to look for, feel free to leave a comment, I LOVE to read them!