
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Let's Talk Vintage #11: Girls Day Out Home Tour

Welcome to "Let's Talk Vintage!" a link party I host every Tuesday at 9 am.
Each week I get to see what project you are working on, your latest finds,
your joy in sharing what we all have in common, vintage! Because if
you are here and you are reading this, your probably
love old stuff, too.

Last week I was invited to a "girls day out" get together for lunch.

We all counted down the days until the day came...for we knew our friend would have a beautifully decorated home. And her food offerings were just as savory!
Look at the table, her choices of mini quiches, croissant sandwiches with a chicken and cranberry salad and tortellini salad were delicious.

This china collection was on the other side of her kitchen. Gorgeous!

She did not disappoint us, everything was just incredible! This pair of deer were displayed with natural greens inside an old dough bowl which is not shown. (A whoops! I forgot and cropped it out of the photo!)

And this room where she paints made us go "ooooh" and then "ahhhhh!" Love the antique table and chairs, the large picture frame.

This was one of the focal points in her living room. What an amazing collection of Staffordshire dogs!!! Fabulous!
Another focal point was this amazing fireplace, mantel and antlers!
What a great time we all had and I couldn't think of a better way to talk vintage than to take pictures and share them with you on the blog! There are many more amazing beautiful pictures that I will share with you in next week's LTV.

Now it is your turn:

Let's talk vintage! Here are some things you all shared last week:

This beautiful vintage Nativity scene caught my eye over at Deanie's Stash

And the gals over at Ivy and Elephants, Patti and Paula, shared
this lovely ornament inspired by everyone's favorite
holiday classic "It's a Wonderful Life!"
And Diana at Adirondack Girl at Heart shared the inside
of a vintage Montgomery Ward catalog! Wow!

Now, here's where you may link up your posts about your latest projects, finds, even vintage things you sell! Link as many as you want.

I can't wait to see what you share today!


  1. What a lovely tour of your friend's home--just beautiful! Sounds like you had a wonderful time together. Thanks so much for the feature, and Merry Christmas :)

  2. Happy Christmas Jillian. Thank you for hosting Lets Talk Vintage no. 11.

  3. WOW,that IS an amazing Staffordshire dog collection!! And that mirror frame has me swooning!!
    Thank you so much for hosting and have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Gorgeous home!! Perfect for 'let's talk vintage'. Have a very Blessed Christmas!

  5. What a gorgeous home, Jill! I have one of the blue transfer plates, you know - from Bethany's house. A hairline crack in it but I'm loving it with my other blue transferware that I display with the Liberty Blue in summer.

    Thank you for your annual Christmas card - have it on the fridge like every year and so blessed to watch Bebe grow. Oh! How we'd love to visit with you again this year. Perhaps I can tour the book in your area . . .

    Love this link-up and hope to join again.

    Christmas blessings with hugs!
    Kathy & Ed

  6. Thanks for the party.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  7. Merry Christmas Jillian! I look forward to following you again this coming year!

  8. What a treat to be featured!!! Thank you so much! I love your friends blue and white collection and those dogs,
    just fabulous!


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