
Saturday, November 30, 2013

This Tree Is Turning Out Pink!

Last night we reverted
back to an old tradition...
Decorating the house
for Christmas on Black Friday.
I'm not the crowd, deal
frenzy type. I like to
 be relaxed and listen to
Christmas music at home.
So last night, along
with the help of Bebe,
we put up two trees.

After awhile I said,
"I think this tree is turning out PINK!"
The hubby said....
"Uhhhh..... yep, it is!"

There are so many ornaments
I love... like this old
sparkly Santa.

Or this glass bird with a touch
of pink....
What can I say?
I'm a pink girl at heart.
Always have been!
So appropriately...
I am linking with Pink
Saturday today
Besides, the theme for
the other tree is gold,
 silver, and white.
ENjoy your weekend!
P.S. I just saw that my
had the most clicks! How fun.
Thanks, Beverly and the gang!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving: The Who, What, When, Where, How and Why

WHEN we head in to the dining room
this year on Thanksgiving... let's
take a moment to reflect on the WHY.
Why are we eating all of this turkey
and stuffing?  To celebrate the Indians
and the Pilgrims getting along?
Well how about not only be
thankful for the WHAT but to be
thankful for the WHO.
The Pilgrims, even in their midst
of  hard times, and they had their
share of very hard times, were thankful to
the one who created them.
HOW thankful I am for
the family God has given me,
for the freedom to go to church...
and the people who stand by me in
friendship. And speaking of
relationships, I'm also thankful
for all those who have supported
my blog,  my shop, and my posts.
Happy Thanksgiving!
WHEREever you are in life:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Catching Up

The weekend went by way too fast.
Today I'm just trying to play catch up!
House to clean.
Bins to sort through.
You know the kind of stuff
that falls behind when you're busy.
That was us this weekend.
It went by in a blur!
We went to see the new
movie The Christmas Candle.
It played only in select
theaters as it was in a
test run to see how it would do.
I hope you get a chance to
see it or rent it someday.
Based on the book
by Max Lucado.
Hopefully I will have time
to write about something more
exciting than just "catching up."
Like decorating for Christmas
which I hope to start for real this week.
Til then!

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Little Pink Christmas

Two things I'd like to share with you today...
My vintage pink and pastel Christmas favorites.
Not for my shop, but from my own personal collection.

See the felt sleigh filled with gifts
and the pink bell?
I made them when I was a little girl.
I'm surprised how well they
have stood the test of time.

The pink wire bell I wrote about
in a previous post. I tried to sell
it, I really did.
(Okay, not really! I rarely
keep too many things for
myself but so far, the bell
is a keeper!)
The pink santa I do not believe
to be old but since he
fits so well into my Christmas
décor, he is a great match!
I found him in the antique
mall where I have a booth.
I actually think the pink
bell was found there a couple
of years ago, too.

Here are my vintage bead
icicle ornaments that I
made recently. I was so excited
about them and brought them
to a vendor's sale last night.
Not one of them sold!
I think I give up in the
crafty market place.
It's just not my thing.

It was fun though seeing all of the other
Mom's selling their wares. It was a neat idea...
a sale for the holiday gift shopping crowd.
Get all of the Moms in the MOPS group to sell
their stuff. I didn't realize how many others
sold hand crafted items or were
 consultants for other companies.
 I was up against names like Avon,
Tupperware, Tastefully Simple,
31 bags, Lia Sophia jewelry, etc.
It's a miracle I sold anything at all!
Linking with Pink Saturday....
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More Vintage Christmas Added: Antiques Make Unique Gifts! FREE SHIPPING

Dashing through the snow....
on a one computer desk
Oh what fun it is to add...
vintage Christmas things!
Yes, I've been busy.
It is the Christmas rush.
Time to stock all of the
shops and online sites...
We are filled with all
kinds of vintage Christmas Cheer!
Don't forget...I'm offering
And that's not my only gift to you...
I always send an extra little giftie
to all who shop!
Check out this rare Santa postcard.
What makes this one rare?
The color of his cloak.
A rusty brownish red
instead of the usual red with white
Love find out facts like this.
Makes antique hunting so
much more fun!
What fun to find this vintage


 in great condition!
I was thrilled to find it.
They are usually filled
with stains but this one is
nice and clean.

Reminds me of the tablecloth my
Grandmom used each year!

And a couple of pixies
to keep you on your toes...

Isn't she sweet posing in her tutu
at the edge of a book?

Box of vintage "atomic" style
the Shiny Brite kind!
And don't forget I said I would
share my finds at the crazy Jewelry Sale:

Starting with this awesome book about Diamonds!

Flower or daisy brooch

Assorted brooches being sold
in one collection!

Love this large stone brooch...
a real stunning piece!

And a vintage STRATTON
Made in England.
Also new to the shop:
More antique hymnals. I can't keep
enough of these in stock. They always
sell out!

Feel free to email me with any questions...
I will always do my best to refund shipping
overcharges.... but take advantage of my
FREE SHIPPING for the holidays!
Spend 50.00 or more and pay
nothing at all for shipping.
(Destination must be within the
continental U.S.)
Enjoy your day!
I'm off to load my newly
listed goodies to my Etsy shop as well!

Friday, November 15, 2013

From the Attic: My Vintage Ornaments

Going into the attic can be dangerous.  As in, box after box of Christmas things, were calling my name.
Oh Jilliannnnnnnn...
So I answered the call and dragged out some of our old ornaments. (Last week it was just supposed to be my office Christmas tree.)

Bebe had fun looking through them and making a pile for herself of all the things she liked.

With a follow up shout out of "Don't sell THOSE, Mommy!"

There is actually a set of ornaments in this collage that I am selling soon. I'm also trying to decide if I can part with the vintage pink wire bell.
I'm also getting ready for a sale
with my Mom's group... plus our antique
booth gets a trimming too.
For today, I'm sharing everything with the Pink Saturday linky party!
Enjoy your weekend,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vintage Jewelry Sale - The Mad Dash

Last week I mentioned I was headed out to a vintage jewelry sale.

I had heard about it while returning books to a smaller branch of our local library system.

The elderly woman at the counter said: "Oh! Don't miss our jewelry sale this year!"

This was about three months ago.  I had written it down on my calendar and finally got a chance to see what it was all about.

I was expecting a whole lot of 1980's punky, funky, and brightly colored stuff.

When we got inside the door of the church where they were holding the sale.... I knew I was in for something much bigger.

A crowd was gathering.

Greed is not pretty on people.


A lady in front of me was feeling guilty already. She said out loud in a funny tone:

"We should ALL be going to a church
 service after this!"

Every one giggled.

But seriously, there is this one dealer we have run into before. She should I put this... hmmm. Ah... yes. Aggressive.

They opened the doors and there was a mad dash to the little church hall with her at the front.

She went straight for the table marked "Fine Jewelry" and managed to stick her arms and elbows out all around her so that no one else could get their hand into the case to pull out the "good" stuff. She had a Ziploc bag stuffed with it all.

Now you can call me stupid but I stayed as far away from her as I could.

I was handed an empty egg box to hold my loot and I went in and started looking over all of the other tables quickly handpicking vintage pieces.

Meanwhile...of course, I was missing the crazy frenzy for the gold and sterling silver jewelry.

Which is okay because I don't really sell fine pieces on my website. I stuck to my main purpose for going there which is to find pretty vintage pieces and came out with a small box of assorted goodies that I'm happy with.

But, I have another experience under my belt.

I will go back again if they have it next year....

this time I'll be ready.

Linking with Ivy and Elephants:
 "What's It Wednesday."

Monday, November 11, 2013

Rockin' Around Our Vintage Tree

I'm always looking for something for
Bebe and I to do together. Somehow
I manage to fit my love for vintage in.
Not always.
She was all in for digging out my office tree and ornaments.
I figured I needed to take some photos for the blog anyway.
I love my table top tree... and vintage feather tree ornaments.

And while I was working with my vintage glass ornies... I gave this little tree to Bebe and some plastic ornaments.
Above is what she did with them! She INSISTED the
ornaments had  to be THAT size.
So cute!
Love my little Sweet Pea.
And so It begins our Christmas decorating has gotten an early start.
Fine with me, I love vintage Christmas décor!
Enjoy your day... linking up with Etsy Vintage
Cottage style today.
Stay tuned for my next post where I share my latest finds from the jewelry sale I talked about last week.
Always an interesting experience! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

New Arrivals AND FREE Shipping on Victorian Santa, Limoges, Ridgway, and More!

That's right! FREE SHIPPING on order of 50.00 or more!

My new arrivals are up (CLICK HERE) and I'm loading my Etsy shop
for the holidays...

Antique Ridgway china, a beautiful T&V Limoges plate,
a Victorian Santa Claus postcard and some rusty metal stuff!

A little bit of something
for everyone...which
is so cliché but there
really is a nice variety.
Rusty metal meets
elegant roses, vintage
paper and shiny silver!
Today I'm heading
over to a vintage
jewelry sale.
I'm expecting a bunch
of brightly colored
1980's stuff but
you never know.
Gotta get in line
Wish me luck!
ENJOY your weekend!

Linking with

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Not All Roses and Girly Stuff

Just to prove I'm not
ALL about roses and
girly girl stuff.
I do get out of my
box and change things
up in my Bella Rosa
shop  from time to time.

Like these vintage car
nameplates and emblems!

So cool!
I've even used one
in my family room
for the past six years.

I do love the vintage,
industrial look...
But what's this?

Who can resist this
sweet little face?

Or this stunning
T&V Limoges
rose plate.
I try!
I just happen to like
them BOTH.
Just taking a little
break today to
write a blog post.
I'm halfway finished
with listing my
latest finds.
Hopefully by
tomorrow night I
will be done!
Enjoy the day.
Linking with Ivy and Elephants

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Beautiful Fall Day

We took some time
off from antiquing
this weekend and
went to visit family.
To the lovely state
of Virginia.
It was a beautiful
fall day. Just gorgeous!
That brilliant blue sky,
not many clouds.
We took a walk
along this footbridge,
admired the waterfall,
visited a little museum,
took family photos,
and had a wonderful lunch.
Then did a little shopping
along the river.
The antique shops
were few and far between.
Mostly gift and artisan shops.
Still, a lovely day.
Hope your week is
just as beautiful!

And what's this?
Well, I couldn't just end the post
 without sharing some
of our latest finds.
The hubby brought
 these things home.
I just love those
little cute elves!
Stay tuned for
new listings this week.
(Most of these will
go in my Etsy shop soon.)