
Friday, August 28, 2015

Vintage Finds of the Week #17: A Hat Stand, Antique Ephemera, Books, and Vintage China

It is that time again, and I'm a little bit
 behind in my posts.... here are
some vintage finds I haven't shared yet!
We have been super busy 
getting ready for school and
doing some "end of summer' 
fun things like going to
our local theme park.

 It was a beautiful day for it.
 We've really had perfect weather here.
I just had to share this
vintage swing ride. Aren't
the graphics great?
A visual vintage find!
Now, here is a wide shot
 of some of my latest treasures:

A nice, sturdy, wooden hat stand.
I had one similar to this one
and it sold very quickly.
Beaded Collar.
This one is mixed with pearls
and rhinestones... very lovely
in person. Probably will be listed
in my Bella Rosa shop on Etsy.
A cozy , cottagey, crocheted
 "Basket" pot holder.
I thought this was unique and
brought it home with me.
It opens up kind of like a
basket, too.

To think someone made these.
A lost art for sure.
Antique Receipts book.
Love the graphic title on the
outside and even better is
the old handwriting inside.
Condensed Milk Jar.
The petite pink roses...
so pretty! Definitely
a great find for my
Bella shop.
Another doll!
I normally don't buy dolls.
She is from the estate sale
I went to recently. You can
 read about my troubles
there, here.

This one needs some
cleaning .... then
some research.
Fur Collar.
At first I thought this was
for a doll... since I just
sold one this past season.
But, it is about the same
size as the beaded collar so
maybe it is for a child?
Large doll?

I was blessed this buying
season with so many Christmas
goodies. I am set for
the winter... found this
collection of ornies
for a great price. I love
putting them in glass.
They are probably headed
for my retro Etsy shop this Fall!
3 News Printer Blocks.
 These are unique ... they look
like they were for a comic:
"Little Gracie Note"

More research!
The hubs found this wooden
box filled with old spark plugs
from the early days of autos.
I am giving him the car
stuff ... I just love the little

and this, this lovely antique
book is my favorite find. We
paid way more than I wanted
to but it was too nice to
walk away from. Sell or keep?
That is the question!
Hope you enjoyed my finds.
I'll be back early next week
for "Let's Talk Vintage!"
Be sure to link up
starting Tuesday mornings
at 9 AM. The link party goes
for six days.
Linking with:

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Let's Talk Vintage #46: Beachy Keen Mantel Inspiration

Hello and Welcome to "Let's Talk Vintage!"

Every Tuesday at 9 am, bloggers come together to share their stories, projects, collections, wares, and latest finds. If it is about vintage, you'll find it here.

Here are some basic guidelines for linking up:
* Link as many times as you'd like
* Include a link back to my blog, specifically this post.
* Have fun reading all of the great blog posts!

That's it!

This week I am sharing my latest mantel display, inspired by Heidi of The Merry Magpie Vintage, who had posted hers on Instagram.  Since I had just come off of a beach vacation, I was super motivated! (You can connect with me here on instagram, too! I post there almost every day.)

After collecting a few pieces here and there from my house and inventory, this is what I came up with.

I've been collecting aqua glass bottles
over the past year or two. As much as
I've been to the beach, I've never found
sea glass... so these are 
just perfect for a bit of ocean blue!
I do have a beach themed 1/2 bath so these two apothecary
jars were already filled. . . easy peasy!

The Atlantic City postcard is a new find from our vacation although I already have a small collection of old Atlantic City and Ocean City postcards. Another collection to share with you all for a future LTV post! My collecting mind
knows no bounds!

The vintage beach painting was found a few months ago,
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to part with it!
(Hopefully no collection will grow from it either!)
This pair of m.o.p. opera glasses were
handed down through the family.
Possibly from my Great Grandmother's
estate. I love them and will keep
them with me 'til the end!
With the mother of pearl sheen
I just had to use them here.
This is one of my favorite mantel displays
I've created, and I've done many.
What is it about decorating the mantel?
Very limited in size and space, so what is
 the attraction? Maybe it is the challenge,
the call to be creative, especially in a small area.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Here are this week's features:

was inspired to create this cool garden vignette

It "grew" from her collection of shutters!

Martha of Martha's Favorites, never
let's tea cup collectors down.
She always has the most
beautiful selections each week!

and Melissa of Melissa's Antiques
shared her finds at the world's
longest yard sale. Wow! What cool
finds she has gathered for her shop!

and Lisa of Wisconsin Magpie showed
us her love for jars with typography
and how she "saved the leftovers!"

Thank you to all who shared with
LTV last week...

Now it's your turn:
"Let's Talk Vintage!"

Linking with:

Friday, August 21, 2015

Thinking Pink #7: Beach Houses & Vintage Finds of the Week

Welcome to Thinking Pink #7!
Each Friday I like to highlight
my latest finds in my favorite color.
This week, after coming off of a vacation
in Ocean City, New Jersey, I am
sharing some of my finds there,
including this awesome mid-century
modern beach house.

Is she fabulous or what?
Each day we would either bike
ride or drive by this house.
Finally towards the end of the
vacation on yet another bike ride,
I said "WAIT! I've GOT
to take a photo of this!"

And I took this shot.
And this one too.
It was then I noticed a woman
out on the deck. She was
soaking in the morning rays of
the sun.

(Can you see her up in the left
hand side of the photo?)
I yelled "Love the PINK!"
She yelled back: "Thank you!!!!!!!"
And then I took a picture of this
beach front house, too.
The roses along the front
were a nice touch.
The pink, in contrast to
the perfect blue sky on a
beautiful crisp day, was
so bright and really popped.
Now here are some of
 my finds, in pink:
Vacation... always a great
time to shop another area for
vintage. We stopped at
several places on our way down
to Cape May.
I also found this little cutie,
marked Made in Japan.
And another little bit of LuRay
to add to my inventory.
More pictures to come and they
will be added to my shop soon.
School is about to start.
Just one week left.
We've had a great summer...
It will be bitter sweet to
send Bebe back to school,
but this means I will be
back to working in my shop
full time. What fun to
go through all of my summer
finds again. Kind of like
Enjoy your day!
Linking with:

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Let's Talk Vintage #45: Exploring Cape May, New Jersey

Welcome to Let's Talk Vintage!

Every Tuesday vintage lovers from blog land gather here to share their latest finds, projects, treasures, inspirations, you name it! If it has to do with vintage, you'll find it at the Let's Talk Vintage party!

This week I am taking you along on my trip to Cape May, NJ.

Unfortunately, I am using old photos from our trip in 2013. I just lost a bunch of my beloved vacation photos while trying to upload them from my new iphone. All of the shots I took at some antique shops we stopped in on the way down, and from our stop at New Jersey's Historic Cold Spring Village, are gone. I would love to do a future post on the village, hopefully the hubby took some photos with his phone.

Anyway, moving on with photos from 2013:

Cape May has, in my humble opinion,
some of the most beautiful Victorian homes
lining it's streets.
These homes in particular,
line the road that is along the
Atlantic Ocean, way down at the tip of
New Jersey.

This one is called
"The Angel of the Sea"

Just gorgeous grandeur!

(Found this photo on a camera the Hubs had used! Yay!)
This B&B is called
"The Merry Widow."

One of my favorites is Congress Hall.
I'm borrowing a couple of their
official site photos.
Several sitting Presidents have stayed here.
One stayed the whole summer!
Here is a little bit more about the
history of the hotel.
Did you know a fire destroyed
it as well as 38 acres of
beach front property in 1878?
This seems to be a common
thread in history. Fires were
a real threat and took so
many memories with them.

We made our own however and
dined al fresco at their
"Blue Pig" restaurant.
Doesn't sound too appealing
but the food was DELISH.
I love going to Cape May and
highly recommend it if you
love the beach, history,
and Victorian. And even if
you don't, the beach and
surrounding area is beautiful!

Here are this week's features:

shared her tea cup collection
along with these gorgeous roses
and some wonderful quotes.
and Shari of Barberry Lane Designs
took us along with her to a huge
flea market in Wisconsin.
Lots of cool stuff!

Check out these cool hand cut glasses from soda bottles!
You can find them at The Farmhouse in the Field and see
Stacey's tutorial on how to make them.

Now it's your turn.
Let's Talk Vintage!



Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Let's Talk Vintage #44: Boardwalk Birthday


Welcome to Let's Talk Vintage!

Today I'm sharing my birthday
 cake with everyone!

Another year older means I must
 be getting close to "vintage!"

I will probably be walking along one of New Jersey's oldest boardwalks... one of my favorite things to do!

Thanks so much for coming along... have a piece of cake and enjoy this week's features:

Vickie at Ranger 911 shared this really great shelf
made from a sewing machine cabinet. Just adorable!
Her kitchen is just as sweet!

And Tuula at Thrifty Rebel found these cool wire
stars... do you know what their original purpose was?
I can't wait to see what she does with them.

and who could pass up a love story?
Sandra from her De Oude Huize blog
shares the story of lasting love
between a British soldier and
 his Spanish "fairy."
created this awesome "Eggs and Butter"
kitchen sign... complete with hooks!
Find out what her secret is to 
painting with stencils. 

Now it's your turn. Let's Talk Vintage!