
Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Band Aid Fix, Kind of Like Santa Here

My computer is up and running again, although I feel like I'm not completely my computer self.

We think I was hit by a virus, but are not sure. Dear Hubs restored my computer which means everything was wiped off and I had to start with a clean slate again. Luckily he had backed up my computer but that was AWHILE ago. Anything I had saved since then is gone!

We decided to load the newest version of Microsoft word since we were starting over. All of this has brought about some issues for me.

1. It is different and I'm not used to it.

2. My Outlook Express is not operating and I have to go to the internet to obtain my personal and Bella Rosa emals. (Please bear with me as it slows me down a lot as Bebe is not as patient as I)

3. The internet was not working so Dear Hubby is using some special thing a ma jig to bring it into my computer. (Can you tell I had no idea what he was talking about when he explained it to me?)

4. I feel "virtually" handicapped. All of my photos, documents, templates, etc were stored on my computer and using my laptop was okay but I didn't have all of my tools. Plus, my laptop was not hooked up to a printer. (Difficult to process my Bella Rosa orders without my usual set up.)

So I'm back but with a limp. No, more like a pair of crutches.... with some wood glue! But I'm not letting it stop me.

And I do have some fun news. I found a pink santa ornament or tree topper while I was out with my Dear Mother earlier this week. But when I brought him home I noticed his buttons are missing. The dots are just the glue remnants! And most of his face is covered by his ivory beard. That's okay, he's still cute. I'll find something fun to glue on maybe with a little glitter to give him some extra sparkle.
And pretty soon I'll be running as good as new on my computer too! This New Year's Eve we'll be celebrating with my Dear Father who arrives that morning to visit with us.

Hope you have a fantastic NEW YEAR! I'm joining up with linky parties "Thrifty Thursday over at Bloggaritaville.... and also for "Pink Saturday" with How Sweet the Sound.

Monday, December 27, 2010

One More Party to Go & Computer Down

Just one more party for me this week and then we are done. Even with New Year's Eve approaching we are not venturing out again to celebrate. My Dad is coming to visit so we'll hang at home and watch the new year arrive.

One thing I am not celebrating is my computer! Christmas day it died. I had just received a new monitor for it too. Hopefully Dear Hubs can restore it to the day he backed it up about six months ago. Anything I saved since then is goners. I really think it was Facebook. Beware! It is dangerous!
Hopefully hubby can do this sometime today. Right now I'm using my laptop to post this.
In the meantime I'm off to look for something snazzy to wear to our last party for 2010!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

What are you doing today? Here is what we have planned...

The day has finally arrived, Dear Hubby's birthday! And you thought I was going to say Christmas Eve. Well, it is also a very special birthday, the birth of our Lord and Savior. We are going to celebrate tonight with my Dear Mother. She arrives on the train and we'll head to church for a memorable service. Followed by reading from the bible and each one gets to open one gift. This will be fun as Dear Bebe is becoming more aware now of what happens on Christmas.

Tomorrow will be even busier as our family is coming up from the south to help us enjoy a delicious meal. (At least I hope it will be delicious!) On the menu: spiral ham, scalloped potatoes and 2 kinds of veggies. Birthdays are big for this family in the month of December so I'll be making and decorating a combo cake for everyone!

So, it's busy busy busy but I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy your time whether you have a large family gathering, a small one, or even if you are alone this year. Really we are never alone as long as we have that special relationship with God. He loved us enough to send his son afterall.
And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!"Luke 2:10-14
I'm linking with Pink Saturday for a special Christmas edition:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

A picture speaks a thousand words?

Think Bebe has had enoough of Mommy taking her picture? Hmmmm....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Second Chance Tuesday #13 - Antique Books

Today I'm sharing an old blog post from my former blog, Jillian's Pages for week number thirteen of :

This is the bookshelf in our family room, next to the fireplace. I am slowly filling it with my vintage book collection. Fun stops from Maine down through to Virginia have helped fill in the gaps here and there. How do I choose? It has to be a special book, like a classic or the artwork on the cover has to be intricate.

The artwork is probably what appeals to me the most. You just don't find this kind of detail on books anymore. Each one is different, like a snowflake! And of course, I love the metallic titles on the binding.

I always keep these three together...since they all seem to have romantic titles and the colors compliment each other. (I never said I was an intellectual. It's all about how they LOOK.)

This is my poetry section. (Like I have a library or something! I also have a classics section. Hey, at least they're not alphabetized with the Dewey decimal system.) The white Tennyson book has the most beautiful pink rose on the cover, otherwise it wouldn't fit the "criteria" I have in mind for what kind of book makes it onto THE BOOKSHELF. But this white book, albeit boring on the binding, is gorgeous on the front. So, I make exceptions. I'll have to add a picture of it for you.

This book I keep in it's own special holder on the Dear Hubby brought it home one day for me. Very sweet!
But, I only keep it out during winter... which is kind of ironic, because if anyone has been following my blog for any length of time, would know I'm not a big fan of winter...and would be very happy if we only had spring, summer, and fall.

If you're looking for vintage books or for unique vintage finds, check out my virtual antique boutique here.

If you'd like to join in with SCT here is Mr. Linky:

These are a Few Of my Favorite PINK Things

About 6 or 7 years ago I was working in the antique mall where I have my booth. Browsing around I wasn't finding anything too great when I went upstairs to a dealer who's booth was always fun because he would sell neat stuff quick....on the cheap.

There was a worn out path in the floor on the way to his booth. So many dealers would come in, just to go all the way upstairs and to the back to see his latest finds.

This particular day I happened upon this pink vintage sweetie. And I fell in love.

It is my favorite vintage pink decoration. I won't ever sell it. It hangs in my office on my Somerset Life calendar where I admire it daily!

While that dealer is no longer sharing his great finds in our antique mall, I still keep my eyes wide open for something else to go with this. One of these days I'll find another. I've come close but nothing as beautiful as this soft pink.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pinking the Tree

What's a Christmas tree without a little pink? Bare I tell you, BARE.

So of course I have to sneak it in here and there...
The other day Bebe kept hollering "PUFFED RICE!" PUFFED RICE!" And I'm like whaaaaat? We had just come home from the grocery store and she's hollering puffed rice. I'm thinking....I didn't buy any puffed rice.... what....

Then she points and I see she is gesturing to a butterfly. (The ornament above is a butterfly.)

OHHHHHH! BUTTERFLIES! Yes! Butterflies, sweetie!

She's so cute. But let's get back to the pink stuff...

Pink ballet slipper ornament from my step daughter last year.... I seriously must have about 3 or 4 different pairs of these ornaments but I love each and every one of them.

This pink tutu "costume" is one of my absolute favs. Dear Hubby found it for me at a Christmas shop along the boardwalk in New Jersey. Came with its own little hanger!

And this cheery sign I purchased on ebay about 5 or 6 years ago. I have a hard time mixing it into my living room decor (I actually don't have too much pink in there) so this year it is going to find a new holiday home in Bebe's room, it is loaded with pink!

And I also used my pink tree skirt this year. It is a Martha Stewart with a vintage look. Perfect!

I've joined up with linky parties for Show and Tell Friday and Pink Saturday. Won't you stop by and check out the other festive holiday posts?
For Pink Saturday we were asked to join a theme. Today's is favorite holiday music. I'm such an old sap I love listening to the oldies but goodies. "I'll be Home For Christmas" gets me every time. On the newer side I like "O Holy Night" by Martina McBride.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

White Christmas?

What is it about a white Christmas? Lately I've been observing my Dear Hubby checking the weather eagerly...I've seen it mentioned on Facebook. People like to see snow on Christmas.
There are some however, who don't mind if it doesn't snow at all. Like me! Does this make me a Grinch? There's just so much traveling with families that it just makes me more concerned about being safe. As long as it doesn't stop the world from moving, I guess it is okay.
How about you? Today I'm taking my own little survey. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Second Chance Tuesday #12 - Last Minute Gifts

Welcome to Second Chance Tuesday... where I highlight items from my shop or an old blog post that I think deserves a second go-around. You may have something you think is a great second chance story too. If so, feel free to add yours to the Mr. Linky at the bottom.

Today I'm showing a few pieces that would make great gifts. There is still time to send a vintage treasure or maybe a special collectible for someone on your list.
This LENOX Rooster is really beautiful with the pastel colors over traditional Lenox ivory.
A teacup collector perhaps? The color on this set is very eye catching.

A beautiful and very old dresser or vanity tray. A beautiful way to display your perfumes or

for jewelry.

All found in my Bella Rosa Store.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rockin' Around

Could it be December 13th already? Where did the time go?
It goes by incredibly fast and I'm still trying to keep up before the big Christmas day arrives.

We have decorations at least! Below is a picture I took as Bebe was helping Dear Hubs put up our tree. Now this tree is the one I had as a single career gal, toting it from state to state as I worked for different TV stations. Okay, so it was only two states but who is counting?

My decorations reflect my style but not completely. I normally cover the tree with good old vintage glass ornaments but we're being a little protective of them since we have a toddler.

We do have some breakables on the tree but not too many. Bebe has been pretty good so far this year! She likes to play with some of the plastic "horsies" and instruments which is fine with me.

I used a thin strand of vintage style silver "sequin" garland I found through Ballard Designs. Gives the dark green tree a little bit of extra sparkle without going overboard. I love tinsel but Dear Hubs says "NO WAY."

We have an older nativity set made in Germany but I've put out this dollar store version so in case we have a mishap...we're okay! It is a sweet little set.

The stockings are ready to go. . . this year we'll be missing our soldier who is not coming home for Christmas. :( I'm putting his stocking out anyway. He did let us know he received his Christmas care package and really enjoyed the cookies Bebe and I made for him.

I love these! My friend made them and they remind me of her everytime I put them out.

And after all of this hard work a tired Momma was still energetic enough to have fun at Dear Hubby's Christmas party this weekend! Go Mommy go...go go Mommy go!
Hope you had a great weekend too.

Friday, December 10, 2010

All Decked Out In Pink & Green

It's a wonderful life, isn't it? Today's Pink Saturday request was to mention your favorite holiday movie... and I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves this movie. We watch it every year when we decorate...but more on that later. Today I'm showing a simple way to use ornaments and ribbons.

Being the antiquey girl that I am, vintage ornaments are first choice in decorating for Christmas. This year since Bebe is two years old I've decided against using my oldies but goodies. Why chance it?

So I've had to put these away until next year.

I decided to get out my Martha Stewart ribbons, purchased at 75% off last year after the holidays were over...

Love these! I chose the light green...

Tying the ribbons through the ornaments with a pretty bow, leaving plenty of length on the ribbon....I am using glass ornaments but they are newer and will be hung

way out of Bebe's reach. She has been really good so far with the tree all decorated.

I would love to mix the old with the new but I decided to stick to one theme....

Taaa Daaa! They are now hung in front of our tall glass windows... I love how they turned out.

Hope you are enjoying the season... stop on over to How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday and see what everyone else has chosen for their favorite Christmas movie.

Next post I'll show the rest of my decorating...