
Monday, August 30, 2010


Between the vacation we had at the beach, taking care of a toddler, a guest room being prepped for paint, and my little 'ol antiques website, I need to re-charge my batteries.

So with Labor Day coming I thought I would leave you with something patriotic.

See you soon!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fairing Well

There's something about a country fair.

Maybe its the fun colors and bright graphics...

The geometric shapes and lines....

The feel of a beautiful late summer day...

Or maybe its the fond memories of going to fairs since I was a kid...all brought back by the sights, sounds, and even smells. Fairs have stood the test of time because nothing beats old fashioned fun.
Enjoyed our time there today... Dear Bebe had a blast! I'm glad I can enjoy these moments with her.
Memories she'll make each year, at the fair.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Listings are Up!

My latest listings are finally up on the site! Here is a sample of what I have for this week:

My Bella Rosa email is down but I sent out a Just Listed link to my BELLA customers last night. Unfortunately I can't access my shop address book so some may have not been included. My apologies! Feel free to pass this post along to your friends to help me get the word out. Thanks so much! I can't wait 'til our issues are solved.

In the meantime, I am taking Dear Bebe out to a good ol country fair this week. Should be fun!

I'll be back with pictures!

Make it a BELLA day!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Like a Roller Coaster Baby

(This is the Cyclone roller coaster from Coney Island, courtesy of the website.)

Our internet service has been like a roller coaster lately.

First its up. Wheeeeeee! Then it is down. Whoaaaaaaaaaa!

Then our phone went out.

The phone guy was just here and now we have a dial tone. I'm obviously online so that is working...but both of our email accounts are acting up as well. Sometimes we get them and sometimes we don't.

Who knows? By the time I am finished typing this post I may have lost my chance to make it into cyperspace. Frustrating!

Until we know what is going on I'm not going to list anything new just to be on the safe side. I did find an order this morning that eeked its way on through. See? Its random and hard to rely on.

I'll try to visit some blogs before I miss my "window" of opportunity.

Hopefully I'll see you on the upside!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Divine Inspiration ~ a Pink Saturday Miracle Makeover

When I began my first blog back in 2007, I was looking for a way to heal a pain in my heart. The pain caused by a miscarriage.

The blog was humming along nicely on the outside but the healing hadn't been going very well on the inside.

I bounced from hope back to a place of darkness often.

The only one who could save me was our beloved Creator. He had a plan for me and quietly held me while I (sometimes ranted) and cried. He also lifted me back to physical and (emotional) health and gave me the wisdom and courage to move forward again. I'm so glad I followed His cues.

My Dear Bebe was truly sent from above. I know this in my heart and I am forever grateful.

You have to know I was completely overjoyed to be able to use these little pink socks and still today, I am tickled pink.

I am telling this story with the hope of inspiring someone else who may happen to read this post who needs similar encouragement.

For another miracle makeover check out Kelee Katillac's page for a deeply inspiring story.... how a cancer survivor received her own miracle which all started by a blog post, comments, and prayers. (Published in the Guideposts magazine)

For more uplifting pink posts click here to see Beverly's blog, How Sweet the Sound.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Vintage Discoveries

Recently I "discovered" some really great vintage pieces to add to my shop. Then there were some not so great discoveries.

Like we had no phone or internet yesterday afternoon and for the 24 hours following. Just when I think I am not so dependent on it, I lose it, then discover I really need it!

I had big plans to add inventory last night when I ended up watching TV instead. Another discovery! There is nothing good on.

But really, let's get to the fun discoveries I have made recently...these are of the vintage kind.

An old amber glass powder jar. Love the art deco lid.

These little Christmas houses just seem to find me now.

This blue "cameo" ring is different... the image is cut into the glass instead of the 3-D kind.

I was happy to discover this little pearly small to fit a little girl.

A brass chest ... it actually locks with the little key. Inside, lined with maroon velvet.

Fun vintage costume jewels...

And an art nouveau style necklace. This appears to me to be made in a vintage style, as in, not really that old! But, I liked it anyway.

Hopefully I will discover some extra time and can list them onto the Bella site soon!

What discoveries did you make this week? I'm heading over to Connie's blog, Living Beautifully, to see what she and some other's have found.... for Frou Frou Friday. (Click on her Frou Frou logo on my sidebar to hop on over there.)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beach Break Part 2

Still wishing I was back at the beach... I loved our time there. Did you know I used to live on the
boardwalk in my early 20's? I was working my first "just get in the door" TV station job as the master control operator, signing the station off at night. Remember when they used to do that? Around 3:30 am I would run the tape of the American flag with the national anthem and then switch over to the station's call letters and color bars.

So many things have changed since then. But not my love for the beach and boardwalk.

In fact these store owners knew this was MY PLACE!

We also found an antiques and collectibles store on the boardwalk. . . here's a peek inside. We couldn't miss seeing vintage, even on our vacation.
The local historical museum was enticing as well, so we all took a walk to check it out. The antiques inside were amazing! (I forgot to bring my camera however!)

About a month before our trip Dear Hubs had been bragging about a bicycle he found for me at a yard sale for 5.00. Yes, I rolled my eyes and only imagined what awful thing he had dragged home for me. Well, I have to tell you, it ended up being my absolute favorite thing to do each morning... riding on the boardwalk with the Atlantic Ocean as my scenery. Dear Bebe rode on the back of his bike and she just loved it too!

Here she was playing "peek-a-boo" with my neice.

This year's beach trip included a mini reunion. My Sister's family was vacationing along the shore as well. We arranged before the trip to all bring the same outfit to wear on the beach for family photos. Don't they look great?

Dear Bebe loved having her cousins around to play with. I loved having my family together.

We'll have to do it again next year!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Beachy Keen

It is nice to take a break.
A week to get away from it all.

And even better when you can do it by the beach.

I didn't check my email once.

The ocean can be so calming.

Facebook? Twitter? Not me.

It was time to relax. It was time to play.

And we had a great time.
I'll be back with more pictures of our

family "reunion" week along the Atlantic Ocean!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pink on My Birthday

Well, okay, not ON my birthday, but a few days later. Who's really counting?
I'm not.... after all, I'm going to be 29 again!

Won't you celebrate with me?

For more pinks to peruse, check out Beverly's blog at How Sweet the Sound.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Coastal Living

I'll be coasting along for a little blogging break...

Kind of like this little guy here....

I'll be back soon!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Frou Frou For You

Did you know froufrou is named after the French word for the rustle of silk

Another definition is: Fussy or showy dress or ornamentation

Well now you can understand why I just had to join Connie of Living Beautifully for Frou Frou Friday!

I was excited to highlight some of my favorite froufrou pieces I have in my shop:

The first photo below are just some of the new things I listed last night:

And the following pictures are just some of the OTHER frou frou that I think deserves a second look:

Her dress, very frou frou, no?

This pink rose is just COVERED with frou frou glitter..... so sparkly in person.

Ooh la la always frou frou with French perfume!

Frou Frou can be dangly earrings too!

I love these frou frou'ie kind of dishes to put jewelry or lipsticks in ...

I can just hear them purring now, those little frou frou felines! Mrrreowwww!

I can't believe this pink crystal beauty hasn't been swept up to be oh so frou frou around
someone's neck. If nothing else, it is a beautiful display piece. Loooooooooove it!

What are you seeing as Frou Frou today?

Check out Connie's blog at Living Beautifully for so much more!