
Monday, December 28, 2009

Special End of Year Clearance Sale For Mailing List Customers

What a better way to ring in the new year by offering a sale to my special mailing list customers!

If you haven't joined yet and want to participate in OUR BEST SALE EVER....


HERE to find the mailing list. I'll send you the sale info soon after!

Gotta love an end of the year clearance sale. We're looking forward to bringing you "new" and unique antiques in 2010!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snow Bucks... Perfect for an Old Fashioned Christmas

Just in time for Christmas....

It's either Comet or Cupid....

No, make that Donner or Vixen....

Ut oh! Fighting over who gets to pull the sleigh!

Well, we've cleared out enough snow to get out and about...we're not used to getting 15 inches this early in the season. It wasn't even offically winter yet.

Getting ready for Christmas! Hope you're all enjoying the season.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pink Saturday: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Happy Pink Saturday! We're about to get slammed with snow here on the East Coast so this post is about snow...and pink. Pink jammies that is!

This photo of Dear Bebe eyeing the snow for the first timewas too perfect not to use it for Pink Saturday.

We're also sharing the theme of holiday traditions. Not unlike other households we have typical traditions

Each year Dear Hubs and I put up the tree together and watch It's a Wonderful Life. He had never seen it before he had met me.

The other tradition we have is to hang the pickle ornament somewhere on the tree and let our neice and nephew look for it to receive a special present.

We also remember the reason for the season and celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas Eve. We each open one gift.

For more pinks and holiday traditions visit Beverly's blog at How Sweet the Sound.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Christmas Break

It's nice to get away, even for just a day or two, isn't it? Recently Dear Hubby and I got a chance to spend some time at this wonderful lodge. Very similar to the summer lodge on the movie, Dirty Dancing.

Their slogan is "Where the Past meets the Present." Well, for a couple of antique hounds like us, it is just perfect.

Their staff puts together this fabulous display. The gingerbread house is baked on the premises.
See, fun the old fashioned way. We love it!

Mmmmmm. Just look at all of that icing.

In the grand old library filled with antique bookshelves (the kind with the glass doors) is this huge Christmas tree. I love how it is flanked by statuary angels holding the pink ribbons from the tree! (Now there's a pink saturday post!)

We loved having this break in the action...right before the holidays get too hectic and crazy.
I hope it's a place we can go and enjoy old fashioned charm for years to come. It's hard to find!
And speaking of antiques...I'm taking a little break from shopping for Bella Rosa Inventory. The store is still open and I'm still shipping out...but will return soon with "new" finds... Enjoy your holiday!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Pink Saturday ~ A Few of My Favorite Things...

This week's theme is about sharing a Christmas story.

My most impressionable memory which carries lots of nostalgia for me is putting up the tree with my Sister every year. We had a small artificial tree we hauled out of the basement. The same Christmas album would be played which began with the song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." To this day the song brings me right back to that moment when the needle hit the vinyl and the ornaments came out of the box. I always had to dance around for a few verses too, of course!

And well, this brings us to the shopping season as we head toward that special day.

Antiques are great alternatives to the same ol same ol stuff found in department stores? They carry lots of nostalgia too which is why I love them!

Here are a few of my favorites just listed on Bella Rosa (all with pink of course!) from a jaunt to a local auction and antique shop:

(Thank you, this has SOLD)

A VERY old ornament...

(Thank you, this has SOLD!)

A sweet little Russian tea tin.... aqua with pink roses? Made my heart go pitter patter!

The roses in these plates are done so well...they seem to pop off the plates. I would arrange these on a wall in a set of three... but I have a total of six of them available for a bigger display.

(Thank you, this has SOLD!)
And an older style clasp on the back of this bar pin.... put it on your coat, market bag or denim jacket for some added splash!

Advertising cards are great collectibles... especially when they have pink roses on them!

And an old pink shaving mug. Guess the fella who used this was "OK" with a pink one.
Or maybe it was a ladies mug? Hmmmm....

(Thank you, these have SOLD!)
Pink glass bead garland...always a classic!

For more lovelies in PINK, check out Beverly's blog at How Sweet the Sound.